Meet Our Current Board of Directors
As the governing body of the Standard our Board of Directors operate as volunteers. The Board also supports Committees in Communications, Partnerships and Member Experience.
Debra Christmas
Robin Esale
Stephanie Gyles
Director of Marketing & Communications
Shelley-Ann Scott
Director at Large
Our Past Board of Directors
A special thank you to our inaugural Chair Anastasia Gordon, Vice-Chair Bailey Williams, Director at Large Adjoa Atuahene and Director of Marketing and Communications Alicia Lashley for your dedication and hard work.
Anastasia Gordon
Bailey Williams
Vice Chair
Alicia Lashley
Director of Communications
Suzanne Ducan
Director of Corporate Relations
Adjoa Atuahene
Director at Large
Pamala Agada
Project Manager
Tanya Phillips

“Take massive imperfect action towards your goals. The time will never be just right.”
- Shantel Clarke