August Feature With Our Co-Founder: Shantel Clarke

We decided to pull one of our co-founders, Shantal Charke - founder of RSVDX from the incredible work that she does behind the scenes, to get the "real tea" on motherhood, starting her own agency and working on some of the industry's most notable events! Keep reading to learn about her journey!

What was your inspiration to start RSVDX? 

“At first when I started the agency, it focused on venue scouting but more so on non-traditional spaces.  I always loved the idea of having access to spaces that would otherwise be challenging for clients to book.  The concept took off quickly but the process with clients wasn't as turnkey as I had imagined and I quickly learned that the key to having a successful venue scouting company (in my humble opinion) was to have a well built tech platform.  

Organically, through this business concept is how I met some of my most memorable clients that really put me on to the Freelance Event Production space.  In this journey, I met other amazing freelancers where we would share notes on our experiences, mistakes, what we could do better and essentially use each other as a sounding board to what can be sometimes a lonely experience as you're constantly parachuting in and out of projects for various clients.  

That's really what inspired Reservedx in the direction that it is today, a lot of it is focused on community building, being of support to one another and really putting each other in position, so that we all win.”

What's the “real tea” on running an agency, during its inception while balancing motherhood?

“Motherhood be it, single, married, working mom, stay at home mom - it's all tough.  It has its challenges no matter what stance you take.  

I don't have the perfect answer, but I will say the balancing act is ensuring that my two kids aren't always on the receiving end of the deficiencies.  The fact of the matter is, in my household, my kids know exactly when it's going to be busy.  I've been blessed enough to have kids that are not only understanding, but have shown interest in the business LOL. 

I started parenthood in my early 20's, so I have an 18 year old and a 12 year old.  My eldest now works for the company on a project to project basis - she more so helps with admin and just understanding the business from various perspectives.  While my 12 year old, is so much into tech, that he's constantly asking me questions on how I can better Reservedx through the use of technology and advertising LOL.  It's actually very sweet.  I try to keep myself grounded though and ensure they reep the benefits of all this hard work. 

Spending one on one time collectively and individually, is also a top priority for us.”

What are three tips you wished you had known in the beginning of your RSVDX venture that would have made your life easier? 

“To be honest, all things work together.  As much as it would be nice to have said I wish I knew ‘this’ as it would have made the process easier - it's truly not about it being easy.  In my personal journey, I think everything has happened at the timing in which it was supposed to.

When I step back and look at the big picture, everything falling into place all makes so much sense.  Everything that I endured both good and not so good has prepared me for what I'm blessed with at this very moment.  It was all a learning experience, which turned out for my good.”

Do you have a favourite annual event that you produce/work on?

“I don't!  I also think I would get bored very quickly with annual events.  Reservedx has a wide variety of clients that we're fortunate enough to work with, they all bring a different level of fun, stress and creativity to the table. 

Some are more stressful than others LOL, but I do look forward to the repeat business with them as I always know whatever they have up their sleeve will be better than the last and our team is always up for the challenge!”

How did you get involved with TIFF? 

“I used to work for a hospitality group back in the day (more than 8 years ago) that was an official hospitality partner of TIFF - through my time there that's what exposed me to working on film festival related projects. 

I always loved working that time of year as that's when we would get to work on creative and high profile/exclusive events and sometimes in non traditional spaces (if timelines permitted us to do so).  

It was always such a fun time of year.  The city literally doesn't sleep and the streets were always busy!  Personally, I love how it broke a bit of the repetitive mold for what event planning would typically look like.  Please note this was also all pre-pandemic.  I'm looking forward to seeing this year's TIFF return to what we’ve known it as!” 

PROS (we'll leave the cons out LOL) about working with TIFF?

“Reservedx doesn't necessarily work for TIFF, it's more so film studios, brands or agencies with brand or film clients that want to activate during that time, that we do most of our business with.   I would like for that part to be very clear.  Most of my interaction with the TIFF organization is kept at a minimum and is all dependent on how official the client is in the overall festival which dictates if there is any direct interaction with them.  

Generally speaking, anything that generates buzz in Toronto is always exciting to be a part of! There are so many local and international teams that bring such high and positive energy to the city it's an incredible feeling to know that you played a role in this - no matter the size of the event/opportunity!”

What's the insider scoop that you can share with us about TIFF 2022?

“NDA's, NDA's, NDA's LOL - we sign them and we hold true to them!  So, no insider scoop to share here LOL.”

Most proud moment since starting RSVDX?

“That we will be seven years strong next year!  It's wild to think this little idea that I had back in 2015 morephed into what it is today.  It doesn't feel like almost seven years down.

I'll be honest, sometimes I didn't push myself to really take Reservedx to the next level, but I do feel like it's only the beginning and I'm excited to see what's in store for the next seven years!”

What can we expect from RSVDX for the rest of 2022 - 2023?

“More awesome events and more opportunities for freelance event producers!”

Thank you Shantel for sharing your story.
We look forward to seeing the incredible work that RSVDX has in store!




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